Phillip Merfield
Phillip Merfield has a BA in History and a LLM(Hons) both from the University of Auckland. He is an Honorary Fellow of the Property Institute of New Zealand where he served on the board for 16 years. He has recently retired as a partner at Simpson Grierson where he practised in the areas of property, infrastructure and overseas investment. He has presented a number of papers on these topics for the Law Society. He has played, coached and umpired cricket.

Lauren Godsiff
Lauren is a registered Social Worker and Couple / Family Therapist. Her position on the Trust reflects her interest in representing vulnerable and marginalized populations. She currently works for an NGO in West Auckland as a Family Support Team Lead and also provides support and supervision for other social workers across several NGO and Gov organisations. In addition to working with couples and families, Lauren has experience working in the housing and homelessness sector through the Auckland City Mission and also has extensive experience in working in the mental health field for Te Whatu Ora. Lauren has been appointed through the Auckland City Mission.

Lynne Webb
Ko taratara mounga
Ko whangaroa te moana
Ko tahawai te marae
Ko Ngapuhi,ngati kahu ki whangaroa,ngati horahia me ngati kauwhata nga iwi
I have been a member of the Te Rōpū Wāhine Māori Toko I te Ora – Maori Women’s Welfare League since 2015. I joined the League as I fully align with their principles to focus on better outcomes for Wahine Maori and their whanau. I am involved with the community and utilising my skills base to provide support where needed is my personal kaupapa.
Through Peka I have been involved with I have connected with
- Kuia/ Kaumatua at Christmas time with Christmas packs and chats.
- Promoted Health initiatives in the Community
- Currently working alongside whanau support Te Puna Hauroa providing care packs for new māmā and supporting immunisations
- On going – Connecting with community to build a network to enable us to reach whanau more that need support
Since joining the League I have to date held the following positions
President – Nga Wahine o Te Takutai – Current
Treasurer – Tamaki Makaurau Regional Executive – Current
Treasurer – Te Atatu Peka, Te Ahuru Mowai o Tikapa Moana – Past
I represent the Tamaki Makaurau Regional Council on WUCAT by promoting the work of WUCAT to whanau, hapu and iwi via our current membership base and their whanau. In the first instance I will start promoting awareness of WUCAT with our Regional peka members and support any whanau with applications and be a strong advocate for them. This opportunity will also provide network opportunity to further align with the League’s strategic plan.
My background is in Financial & Administration of which I have vast experience
Maureen Little
Maureen has been with Presbyterian Support Northern for 37 years and has considerable experience working with clients in financial difficulties and managing the food bank. She has been involved with local schools – on the board, PTA and coaching sports.